Cariboo Perennial Grass Trials - Soda Creek
Perennial forage data for grass trials in 2010.
Perennial forage data for grass trials in 2010.
This Technical Report is one of two foundation papers for the B.C. Ministry of Forest and Range ( MoFR ) Future Forest Ecosystems Initiative ( FFEI ). These papers will increase the awareness of the potential impact of climate change on forest and range resources in British Columbia. They will also pro - vide information to aid in assessing the vulnerability of British Columbia's forest and range resources and their management, leading to the develop - ment of adaptation strategies for a changing climate. The FFEI was initiated by the Chief Forester with a symposium and workshop in December 2005. At the same time the MoFR Climate Change Task Team was preparing a report on how the MoFR should strategically position itself with respect to the po - tential impacts of climate change on the province's forest and range resources. The present report draws on the Task Team report, recommendations from the FFEI workshop, and numerous other documents including the most recent reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. It pro - vides a summary of future possible climates for British Columbia, a brief review of possible impacts on forest and range resources, and options for and challenges to adapting to climate change. Finally, there are recommendations on how the MoFR might respond to climate change. The report contains four appendices that expand on material presented in the body of the report, in - cluding information on the past as well as on future climates of British Columbia.
Technical Report 045, page 38
Examination of the factors influencing forest tree encroachment on grasslands.
The Forestry Chronicle, pages 13-18
Executive Summary, BC Forest Sciences Programme Project Y113122
(Abstract not available.)
Journal of Range Management, volume 42, issue 5, pages 412-415
bluebunch wheatgrass, clipping, columbia, cool season grasses, fertilization research on british, focused primarily on application, grasslands has, nitrogen, precipitation, rates, site specific response, urea
Thesis on the effects of burning and thinning on understory vegetation of grassland and forested sites.
Powerpoint on climate change issues and grasslands
(Abstract not available.)
Rangelands, volume 6, issue 6, pages 267-268
(Abstract not available.)
reference manual
Cariboo forage crop recommendatoins.
overview of Argentina beef production
The response of selected plant species to a single application of factorial combinations of nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur on 2 lodgepole pine clearcut-logged sites in British Columbia evaluated over 3 years.
Journal Of Range Management, volume 46, pages 262-270
forage quality, forage standing crop, france, interior douglas-fir, menriesii, mirbel, nitrogen, pborus, pbos-, pseudotsuga, sulfur, urea
In this paper we present a new architecture for a smart sensor interface. It is based on an oversampled A/D converter associated with a small ROM containing calibration coefficients. The nonlinear function desired is obtained by piecewise linear interpolation between the values stored in the ROM, without any additional circuits. This solution has the advantage of high programming flexibility, long-term stability, and low area consumption. Moreover, it is suitable for co-integration with sensors because of its minimum analog content. A prototype was integrated in a CMOS 1.2-μm technology. Simulation and experimental results are reported together with a detailed theoretical analysis and some design guidelines